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New economy

This group will focus on the writings of David Korten and Yes! magazine, devoted to raise awareness of the necessity and possibility of turning from Empire based thinking to Earth community orientation. I would like to see members studying David's works, and the magazine, in order to have structured, meaningful discussions.

We will analyze and discuss the stories we are told and learn to recognize the lies embedded in these. We will also need to develop a new story that will inspire us to cooperate and build community instead of divide us.

I find that the situation with the Occupy movement becoming more and more ugg boots clearance marginalized here in the US is putting off the days of reckoning, and making worse the inevitable.

The "rich" have won for now, but what may happen in the coming years is that those who have tried to speak up will feel increasingly disenfranchised. When appropriate behaviors have not worked, perhaps other types will. Our leaders have forgotten all of the lessons of the ecology / civil rights protests of the 1960's.


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