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New editions of costly text books show few changes

There is a growing clamour of protest from teacher unions and the St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP) over what they claim are unnecessary textbook revisions.

Now, comparisons done by the

Audry Deane of the SVP said increasing numbers of families could not afford the school books bill and were turning to the society for helpIrish National Teachers Organisation (INTO) president Noreen Flynn said schools were simply told by publishers that a book would not be produced the following year and would be replaced by a new edition.

He said a new edition cost about 100,000.

"In the ugg bailey button boots first year, you don't make anything and you are hoping to reprint for a number of years to make some money," he claimed.

Mr Murray said statistics could become out of date, while fresh design and visual content were very important, particularly in an era where pupils were used to the web and 3D.

Asked about providing updates in a more costeffective, online form, Mr Murray said it was only in recent years that schools had the technology for this.


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